Wednesday 21 December 2011

028. Ice (The X Files)

"I just want to make sure we are who we say we are"

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 5th November 1995
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 1, Episode 8
WRITTEN BY: Glen Morgan & James Wong

The story may be familiar to anyone who has seen The Thing. Mulder, Scully, a group of scientists and their pilot go up to an Arctic base and get isolated in close quarters with a deadly parasite. Paranoia and suspicion sets in as the group know that any one of the could really be infected.

Ice is perfect in its simplicity. It tells a focused story and creates a tone that sets the intensity for the episode. The monster of the week is not the worm, but the people - how they turn on eachother and the lengths they go to to stay alive when put in extreme circumstances.

Mulder and Scully's final stand-off where Mulder has to talk Scully out of shooting him is the best scene. Of course, the audience knows deep down that Mulder was never really a suspect, but that's not the point. This is the episode where Scully learned to trust Mulder implicitly.

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