Sunday 4 December 2011

027. Afternoon Delight (Arrested Development)

"Yeah, like the guy wearing the $4,000 suit is going to hold the elevator for the guy that doesn't make that in a month. Come on!"

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 19th December 2004
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 2, Episode 6
WRITTEN BY: Abraham Higginbotham & Chuck Martin

I'm sure you've heard the wonderful news by now - Arrested Development is coming back! To celebrate the occasion, I'm choosing to induct one of my favorite Bluth adventures onto the list, and it also happens to be vaguely Christmas-themed.

This is an episode where GOB really shines. Most of the episode revolves around GOB alienating the Bluth company employees and being completely oblivious to how much they dislike him. The suits montage is one of the show's most famous moments, and where his catchphrase "come on!" was born. He gets his comeuppance where he tries to hold the traditional office roast at the Christmas party, not realizing people wouldn't be saying flattering things, but instead making fun of him.

GOB is far from the only Arrested Development character with poor self-awareness. The episode's title comes partially from Michael's duet with his niece, where he realises only too late how inappropriate the song choice is. The scene has a perfect Curb-style awkwardness, even for a show that's not afraid to shy away from talking about incest.

 The writers are particularly cruel to Tobias this episode, first making him lose his hearing (causing him to spout off more hilariopus Tobias-isms about how he "got blown"), having the characters show little regard for his safety, and then have Lucille run him over with her car whilst on drugs. Jessica Walters' performance in particular needs to be praised.

GOB in the banana costume is a great visual gag, and Buster dropping him in the water with the crane was another hilarious visual moment. Whether GOB likes it or not, there's a lot of laughs to be had at his expense.

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