Sunday 30 October 2011

025. Treehouse Of Horror VI (The Simpsons)

"There's no mystery about Willie. Why, he just simply disappeared. Now let's have no more curiousity about this bizarre cover-up"

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 29th October 1995
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 7, Episode 6
WRITTEN BY: John Swartzwelder, Steve Tompkins & David S. Cohen

The Simpsons' annual Halloween episode is as famous as the show itself. The three stories format allows the show to be as experimental and creative as they like, allowing for fast-paced stories. The first story is a fun romp full of rampaging monsters, as billboards start coming to life. The satire is still as sharp as ever, as the way the advertisements die are when people stop looking at them.

The second segment is a great parody of Nightmare On Elm Street, which again plays with horror conventions and humour (the introduction of the 13th month, Smarch, is a classic joke). But it's also pretty creepy in places and Groundskeeper Willie makes a great bad guy.

"Homer 3" takes the show to a whole different medium when Homer discovers a dimension where he is 3D behind his bookcase, resulting in some very meta in-jokes and allowing the show to try new things that it's never done before or since. There's something slightly unsettling about seeing Homer in the real world at the end, and the whole episode maintains those same vibes.

Treehouse Of Horror VI is a strong contender, not just for best Halloween episode ever, but for best episode of The Simpsons ever.

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