Sunday 2 October 2011

021. The Man Behind The Curtain (Lost)

"I'm sorry that you're too limited to see"

EPISODE NUMBER: Season 3, Episode 20
WRITTEN BY: Elizabeth Sarnoff & Drew Goddard

Having arguably hit a slump at the beginning of season 3, Lost surprised everyone with a quality batch of episodes to close out the year. This is the first episode to centre on Benjamin Linus (Michael Emerson), the show's breakout character that was rewritten from small bit-part to major player. One of TV's ultimate villains, the episode proves just how much of a cold bastard he really is, with a very unsettling scene involving him gassing his dad, and another shocking ending where he tries to kill Locke. It's also an episode full of mythological relevance.

The show has teased about the all-powerful Jacob before, but now was the first time we were going to see him. Or were we? The cabin scene is the most unexpected and unpredictable moment in Lost and that's what makes it so amazing. With lesser actors, the scene would've fallen flat, but Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn give some of the best acting they've ever given.

Even though the show has ended, it's still not entirely clear what we saw in that scene, and the mystery lives on. Has this episode suffered on rewatch? Perhaps. You could argue that at this point the writers were in the same position as Ben: pretending to understand the Island, and desperately trying to buy more time before people expose their lies. But it was certainly an unforgettable experience at the time, and got people talking.

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