Sunday 2 September 2012

045. One Minute (Breaking Bad)

"Ever since I met you, everything I ever cared about is gone. Ruined, turned to shit, dead, ever since I hooked up with the great Heisenberg!"

EPISODE NUMBER: Season 3, Episode 7
WRITTEN BY: Thomas Schnauz

Although One Minute is mainly remembered for its pulse-pounding ending, to reduce the episode to one scene does it a disservice. The episode is excellent throughout, right from the very first scene, a flashback here uncle Tio teaches the twins a lesson in family values, Salamanca-style.

Hank also kicks off the episode with an emotionally-charged beatdown of Jesse, which has serious repercussions for his career. The threat of Hank losing his jobs leds to some of the Agent's best scenes. The hospitalised Jesse has two greta speeches in the episode, one about his hatred for Hank, another about how much he's lost since Walt came into his life. Both are well-acted and very powerful.

What's also powerful is the ending. It's a thrilling showdown full of tension, as the twins' storyline reaches its explosive conclusion. The scene is directed superbly, with not a second of the action going to waste.

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