Friday 4 May 2012

042. Numbers (Lost)

"Ok, that thing in the woods: maybe it's a monster, maybe it's a pissed-off giraffe, I don't know. The fact that no-one is even looking for us, yeah, that's weird, but I just go along with it, because I'm along for the ride, good old fun-time Hurley! Well, guess what? Now, I want some friggin' answers!"

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 2nd March 2005
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 1, Episode 18
WRITTEN BY: Brent Fletcher & David Fury

Hurley was the last person to get their past explored out of the original cast, but it was worth the wait, as he got one of the most inventive and original backstories of the lot, which tied in directly to the Island plot. And in trademark Hurley style, it was not without its humour, either. Moments like his house catching fire and the man who falls off a building right behind him were totally hilarious.

The adventure in the A-plot is a lot of fun, as Hurley finally takes the leadership role and goes on a mission to find Danielle. There's plenty of excitement along the way as they encounter traps, old bridges and explosives. It's also a great episode for exploring Hurley's character. He really grows a lot over the course of the episode as he takes charge for the first time. The scene where he confronts Danielle and his relief when she tells him he's not crazy is a great moment.

Etched in every Lost fan's brain, the numbers became a core part of the series' mythology. The "curse" plot blends the supernatural with the outlandish and opens the door on one of the show's most outlandish mysteries. Hurley's encounter with Leonard is the mental institution is an intriguing moment.

Having been relegated to secondary character status most of the season, this is the episode Jorge Garcia announced himself as an integral part of the show and Numbers is the perfect blend of mystery, action and humour.

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