Monday 12 March 2012

039. Company Man (Heroes)

"You didn't grow inside your mother. You grew inside our hearts"

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 25th February 2007
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 1, Episode 17
WRITTEN BY: Bryan Fuller

Heroes has always been slightly derivative of Lost, but this one borrows the flashback episode format completely. It works well though, because Mr Bennett (or, "Horn-Rimmed Glasses" as he's sometimes known) is one of the most mysterious characters on the show and seeing his past was the best way to gain an understanding of who he was, as well as answering a few mysteries.

Bennett has been seen doing countless bad things, and the company he works for is nothing short of evil. His professional appearance cuts an image of a cold, ruthless individual. But the one thing that humanizes him is his love for his family. This episode shows Bennett beginning to form that bond with his adopted daughter, and how it has defined and changed him.

We get a glimpse at some of the other characters in their younger forms, most notably the Haitian. Christopher Ecclestone makes his (sadly) final appearance as Claude the invisible man. He was one of the highlights of the show. Here he remains mysterious, enigmatic and morally ambiguous. When Mr Bennett tries to kill him, he reminds him that they are both guilty of the same crime.

Company Man also has plenty of action. One key scene involves the indestructible Claire (Hayden Panettiere) running into a burning building to stop Ted going nuclear. There are tense stand-offs, involving Bennett, Ted and Matt Parkman.

But the heart of the episode is its emotional power. Bennett being willing to take a bullet and a mind wipe in order to protect Claire turns a stone-cold killer into a sympathetic character.

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