Tuesday 31 January 2012

034. Spoiler Alert (How I Met Your Mother)

"Brother, you're driving the "I wanna have sex with her" truck, and it has a huge blind spot"

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 12th November 2007
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 3, Episode 8
WRITTEN BY: Stephen Lloyd

How I Met Your Mother has some great observations about life, or specifically, friendship dynamics. Spoiler Alert presents the idea of love blinding you to people's flaws. When Ted wonders what's wrong with his girlfriend, the gang are reluctant to tell him out of fear they'll end up shattering his illusion. It's funny, and it's also very true.

After his illusion is shattered, Ted's perspective on the dinner scene is revisited to show the reality. How I Met Your Mother isn't afraid to play around with reality, so this was the perfect way to present it. The recurring "glass breaking" sound effect almost becomes a joke in itself.

There's a small subplot involving Marshall waiting to find out if he's passed his Bar Exam and being unable to retrieve his password. Barney enacts a long con, purely for the purpose of tricking Marshall into watching a dumb video. Classic mischievous Barney. There's also a hilarious monologue from Barney where he brags about his lovemaking prowess for no reason in particular, and some good running jokes like Marshall's love of sugar.

There's more to the illusion shattering idea though. Towards the end of the episode, the main cast all start to have their flaws pointed out, which is interesting. Watching everyone's reaction to revelations about their friends is very funny, but the heart of the episode is how they learn to love eachother despite their flaws. Because nobody's perfect.

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