Monday 5 September 2011

017. Top Banana (Arrested Development)

"There's always money in the banana stand"

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 9th November 2003
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 1, Episode 2
WRITTEN BY: Mitchell Hurwitz & Jon Levenstein

Some people aren't sold on Arrested Development at first. I was not one of those people. To me, the first two episodes are two of the strongest of the show's entire run and I loved them straight away. Let me remind you of all the classic moments in Top Banana.

Many characters have some of their best moments. From Tobias' fire sale audition, to GOB killing a Dove, to George Michael's incorrect usage of the word "Mr Manager". GOB feeling useless and asking his brother for jobs that he doesn't even want is a great subplot, and similarly a lot of gags come from Tobias' insecurity over his failure to find an acting job. Both are down to nuanced writing and dedicated performances from the actors.

With so much of the show's humour revolving around running gags and callbacks, the first few episodes had to stand on their own, and that they do. Although they do still find room for callback jokes within the episode itself. Who knew that "there's always money in the banana stand" could be such a great punchline?

At the end of the day, despite the Bluth family's wacky antics, the show still has a heart. Michael realises what's important: his relationship with his son.

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