Tuesday 2 August 2011

003. All Prologue (The Wire)

"I got the shotgun, you got the briefcase"

EPISODE NUMBER: Season 2, Episode 6
WRITTEN BY: David Simon

I knew that I wanted to include The Wire on this list, but I wasn't sure which episodes to choose. It's not a very episodic show, to me. I prefer to think of each season as a whole, and the episodes are just chapters. Like Freamon says, "All the pieces matter". I think this is a solid pick, though.

There are major events that take place in it (spoiler paragraph!) In case you can't remember, I'm referring to the shocking death of D'Angelo at the end of the episode. It's especially ill-timed given what a great job the rest of the episode had done of making him likeable. He'd always been a favourite of mine, and I always knew he wasn't that bad at heart, but you really do start to believe that he is done with that part of his life and turning over a new leaf.

D'Angelo also gets the opening quote, taken from a speech he makes at a book club about how people can't escape their past, something he finds relatable. It also applies to McNulty's situation. Trying to turn over a new leaf, he is ultimately unsuccessful in convincing his wife to take him back.

This episode is also a defining moment for Omar Little. Omar on the stand is one of The Wire's best ever scenes, where he delivers an honest and charismatic performance that encapsulates everything people love about that character. His audacious comparison between himself and Levy wins over the Jury, and takes the Lawyer down a much-needed peg. His adorable tie, just sloppily looped on over his street clothes, is a mark of his eccentricity. 

Strong themes and memorable moments. What more could you ask of an episode of The Wire?

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