Tuesday 26 July 2011

001. The Last Temptation Of Homer (The Simpsons)

"I won't bore you with the details of our miraculous escape, but we desperately need a REAL emergency exit."

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 9th December 1993
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 5, Episode 9
WRITTEN BY: Frank Mula

It's the first entry on the list, so I might as well address a few things. First of all, this list is not in order. I'm not claiming this is the best episode ever. That would be silly. Shame on you for even thinking there's an answer to that. This isn't necessarily my favorite episode, nor do I think it's the most deserving of making the list. I chose this to be the first one featured mainly due to nostalgia. This was one of the first episodes of real television I ever watched. Therefore, I feel it is as good a place as any to start.

The Last Temptation Of Homer is an episode with a lot of heart, and one of the first stories to test the strength of Homer and Marge's marriage (I'm aware that Colonel Homer came first, but this one is better). Michelle Pfeiffer is a great guest star. Mindy is a worthy object of desire, basically the female version of Homer. It becomes a dilemma for Homer - Mindy seems pretty perfect, plus his family is starting to look unattractive. Being a good guy at heart, Homer tries to do the right thing and distance himself from Mindy, but in true sitcom style, circumstances keep forcing them closer and closer together.

But it's not short on laughs either, oh no. The Simpsons has such a high gag rate, I will only go through the highlights - Burns employing a duck, Joey Jo-Jo, the giant hand guy, the Wizard Of Oz monkeys, the fortune cookies. The subplot of Bart becoming a nerd is also surprising funny too.

Tying it all together is the sweet ending where Homer makes his choice and sticks with his wife. A classic episode from one of the show's golden years.

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