Saturday 21 July 2012

044. Home (The X Files)

"I can tell you don't have no children. Maybe one day you'll learn the pride...the love...when you know your boy will do anything for his mother"

ORIGINAL AIRDATE: 11th October 1996
EPISODE NUMBER: Season 4, Episode 2
WRITTEN BY: Glen Morgan & James Wong

Loosely based on a story from Charlie Chaplin's autobiography, Home is an episode that takes The X-Files to extremes it's never been to before. Every taboo is shattered - incest, disfigurement, dead children. It's certainly not light viewing.

The villains of the story are the Peacock family, a group of hillbillys who go on a murder rampage after being suspected of kidnapping. What's great is that the kids may look (and even act) like monsters, but they're still very much human. When you see it from their perspective, they're just a family that want to be left alone and allowed to do things their way.

The scenes where Mulder and Scully investigate the house are gold. The Sheriff bites it in a gruesome manner, and it becomes a difficult obstacle for Mulder and Scully to safely navigate the deathtrap that is the Peacock house. There's a lot of tension when they enter the creepy-looking house, and find inside various unsettling sights.

Shocking, provocative and brutal, Home gets under your skin and still manages to be incredibly entertaining. Morgan and Wong deliver a story that's the closest to a horror movie The X Files has ever been.